
Let the mud dry so it’s easier to remove, then use a stiff brush to break up the clumps and vacuum. Spot-treat remaining marks with a carpet stain remover. We recommend Tech for a a number of different stains. Mud is usually easy to handle, but for larger messes, you may need to rent a […]

To remove dust and dirt buildup from woodwork and leave it looking shiny, wipe down using a mix of 1 part lemon oil to 1 part vinegar.

Run removable glass pieces, such as domes through the dishwasher. Run them through the drying cycle too, to reduce spotting.

Instead of taking them down, just shake them out to remove loose dust. Then vacuum from top to bottom using the upholstery attachment or pop curtains in the dryer along with a damp rag. It will knock off all the dust and leave them nice and clean. ( Be careful about dry cleaning)

Mix 3/4 Cup of Olive Oil, 1/4 Cup White Vinegar and 1 tsp. fresh lemon juice. Squirt on a cloth and wipe thoroughly. (Store in the refrigerator for future use.)